Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Hi everyone! I'm so so so sorry I haven't updated my blog is several days. Life has gotten extremely crazy with finals coming up and such, but I'm back and this blog is going to be stocked full of the past couple of tasks.  Ready! Set! Go!

BREATHE!!!!! This is something that I've had to remind myself to do for the past week. In fact, I'm reminding myself to breathe while I write this blog. My brain feels like it's on a caffeine overload and simply won't stop, no matter what. Sleeping, relaxing, watching a movie, eating, exercising. They haven't exactly been working lately because my brain has been too overwhelmed with all of the things I need to do instead. This message is for anyone else who is feeling overwhelmed and myself: Stop. Take five minutes - or five seconds - and just breathe. Everything is going to be okay. Deep breath!

 The Cupid Shuffle is probably one of my favorite dances. Several times throughout this semester Ashley, my roommate, and I have either done the shuffle in our room or in the hall with the other girls. We're always laughing and it's an easy way to let go of a little stress during those highly stressful moments of college. If you've never done the cupid shuffle - WHOA! - you should probably do it, which is why I posted a video for you. For those of you who have done the cupid shuffle, I recommend doing it again simply because it's a lot of fun.

I'm not a very good painter, but I still enjoy doing it. Although, I was unfortunately unable to paint anything while I was on break, but I'll hopefully be able to make up for it this weekend - that's the plan anyways. I'll upload the painting when I complete it. Hang tight! It's coming! :) 

I was on Thanksgiving Break during this task, so I was unable to walk through a cemetery with Jen and Cassi, but I did take a walk with a friend from home. We walked around the neighborhood and talked about what was going on in our lives. While it was cold, it was also a lot of fun and that's what matters, right?

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