Wednesday, November 16, 2011


I've been thinking about what's going to happen at the end of my 76 days, only 63 left, and I've decided that I'm going to continue blogging. I'm still thinking about all the specifics, but my goal is to maintain the idea of happiness. Maybe I'll post some pictures, quotes, videos and songs that make me happy or something like that. What are your thoughts? Any ideas? What if we somehow made this an interactive place for people to come together and share things that bring them happiness? Just a thought. I'd really love to hear your thoughts! 

Also, thank you to all of you who are reading this blog. The purpose is to help me work through some personal issues and it's wonderful to know that I'm not alone on this journey. Several of the girls in my dorm are reading this and asking me about it on a daily basis, which shows me how much support I have - Thanks, ladies! To the readers who I don't know, thank you! Simply reading this blog provides support and that's what I need right now. The world has seemed bleak for so long and it's time to work through my sadness and become happy. While this paper chain challenge has been really wonderful, it's also been difficult - I guess that's why it's called a challenge, right? Anyways, thanks for reading and going on this journey to happiness with me, you're all showing me support and that I'm not alone. I can't wait to see where this journey takes us. :) 

Much Love,



  1. I had a thought today while reading the last few blogs (as I was a few days late in reading them :/). The word happiness sticks out to me. Happiness is so temporary. Things make us happy, and people make us happy. But I think the important thing is to figure out how to maintain joy within ourselves. Does that make sense? Like we have to figure out how to maintain our joy when things come along to mess up our happiness. Just thoughts...what do you think?

  2. Sorry I'm just replying! I completely agree and think that's a really good point. I just bought a book on Tuesday called The Happiness Project and I'll have to show it to you when we back to campus. It's caused me to think a lot about happiness and joy. So, how do we find joy within ourselves? It's a tough question and it's different for everyone, but it's also crucial to life.
