Thursday, November 24, 2011

Day 21

Happy Thanksgiving! Okay, so it's 1:30 A.M., but better late and never, right? Today's task was kind of a fail. First off, I'm on Thanksgiving Break right now so I'm nowhere near the girls in my hall. Secondly, the stores were closed today so I was only able to make cookies from a package. Lame! I went ahead and baked the cookies, but decided that I'll make homemade cookies for the girls on Sunday before I head back to campus. 

I hope you all had a fantastic Thanksgiving and were able to spend it with your loved ones. I went to my great - grandma's where I ate, played Life with two of my cousins and Becca and met two of my baby cousins for the first time!! Oh, how I love babies! I usually don't like being around my family because I don't feel like I fit in, which means I dread family functions. To me, my friends are my family because I don't have the best relations with my blood family and that's my decision. However, I actually enjoyed spending time with my blood family today - for the most part. It was probably because I was able to see two of my cousins, Rosemary (14 years old) and Madison (6 years old) and I got to hold Allison, one of the babies, to my heart's content. Rosemary and Madison make me laugh and we always have a lot of fun together. Plus, Madison was super clingy today and I thoroughly enjoyed the excess amounts of affection.  

After a few hours, Rosemary, Becca and I went back home where we munched on food and watched TV. Now, it's back to watching a movie with Rosemary while Becca is zonked out on the couch. She's resting up for our late night! We're going to Starbucks at 3 A.M. and it's a 25 minute drive, but it's Starbucks and it's totally worth it. I hope you all have a wonderful night. If you're going shopping on Black Friday, take care of yourself. People are crazy! :) 

No, they aren't very pretty, but they still taste good. 

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