Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Day Five

I was really excited about today's task because I'm not the most spontaneous person on the planet. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to be more spontaneous and I'm trying, so today's task definitely reinforced the idea of living a more spontaneous life. 

Now, what spontaneous thing did I do? Well, I actually did two things!! The first was taking a solo trip to Target, one of my favorite stores. I found some really cute things and they were cheap, which makes it even better! I got a bracelet and the cutest pair of socks! Here's a peak of my buys:  

 The fabulous bracelet 

And the A-DOR-A-BLE socks (the pattern, that is) 

The second spontaneous thing I did was go to the gym with Katie, a friend who lives diagonal from me. She has an IM game and I decided to get my fitness on while she got her game on. We both won. She beasted two games of volleyball and I beasted the elliptical. Needless to say, it was a perfect way to end the night! :)

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